
Showing posts from May, 2010

Don't listen to me.

Election 2010 I have absolutely no right to tell you what to do. I have no right to tell you what to think. I certainly have no right to tell you what to believe . Nothing – not the place where you were born, or to whom; nor where you live and what colour your skin is (or your eyes are); not whether you are a man or a woman, an atheist or a Christian (or a Buddhist or a Nazi) nor whether you prefer coffee to tea or stripes to spots – nothing on this Earth gives me the right to force my own personal views onto anyone else. Which is why I beg this of you: please, please, please , if you are eligible to vote in Thursday's General Election, go and vote . The decision you make will be yours , your voice will be heard, and it will make a difference. Sadly, previous elections have been dominated by the phrase "it won't make a difference". Well this time around, things are different. Never before have our ballot papers been so important. Never before has the power