Under The Iron Sea

I've written about Co-op Radio before, but as my new store is technically independent of the old one, the music they pipe in is different too. The playlist is, in fact, practically identical but with one key difference: not one song they play is by the original artist. Nothing and no-one are sacred: from old classics to fairly up-to-date releases, every song is performed by what I can only imagine to be the Co-op's house band and singers. In fairness, they pull it off very well most of the time: the music is almost identical and the vocals are good... but it just isn't the same. The Gorillaz' Dare doesn't have the same magic without Shaun Ryder; Take That's Shine isn't as wonderful; and – worst of all – Keane's Crystal Ball is just out of tune. ◊ What's the point in having an emergency phone in a lift? To get help when you get stuck, right? From an e-mail received this morning: We strongly advise anyone coming to the University over the n...