Sleep, wave theory, and overspringshandling

I don't have a great deal to write about this week. This is no reflection on the sort of week I've had, because it's been a good one, but this is due to the fact that I've spent much of it sleeping/vegetating in bed/generally lounging around. Which is all well and good, but doesn't make for great anecdotes. • The Danish have a fantastic word for procrastination: overspringshandling (props to @paulie for bringing this to my attention), made all the more fantastic I feel by the addition of Newspeak : doubleplusoverspringshandling has a certain ring to it, no? • You know how when you wake up the morning after going to a gig or to a club your ears are ringing? Well I thought that it was an inevitable consequence of listening to very loud music for hours on end. Inevitable no more! Because, thanks to the wonders of science, there is a solution! If you sing loudly to the music, the (good) sound waves you produce will deflect the (bad) sound waves coming from ...