Sleep, wave theory, and overspringshandling

I don't have a great deal to write about this week. This is no reflection on the sort of week I've had, because it's been a good one, but this is due to the fact that I've spent much of it sleeping/vegetating in bed/generally lounging around. Which is all well and good, but doesn't make for great anecdotes.

• The Danish have a fantastic word for procrastination: overspringshandling (props to @paulie for bringing this to my attention), made all the more fantastic I feel by the addition of Newspeak: doubleplusoverspringshandling has a certain ring to it, no?

• You know how when you wake up the morning after going to a gig or to a club your ears are ringing? Well I thought that it was an inevitable consequence of listening to very loud music for hours on end. Inevitable no more! Because, thanks to the wonders of science, there is a solution!

If you sing loudly to the music, the (good) sound waves you produce will deflect the (bad) sound waves coming from the sound system. Et voilà! Your ears are protected!

And if you think that sounds like total rubbish, try and explain the totally distortion-free hearing you enjoy the next morning.

• I've been searching high and low for some new trainers for ages. I've seen plenty (they're not exactly hard to come by), but I've been searching for a fairly specific set. Is it too much to ask for a nice-looking pair of white, slip-on trainers? I don't think so, but apparently the entire UK shoe industry disagrees. There are about a dozen shoe shops* in Sheffield, and none of them had anything I liked.

*This includes JD and Foot Locker, despite the fact that they no longer appear to sell shoes, but concentrate exclusively on massive boots, hoodies and tracksuits in primary colours (and possibly also drugs) to wannabe gangsters/massive chavs.

Random of the week
The massive earthquake in Chile earlier this year was so powerful it shook the Earth off its axis and shortened the length of that day by 1.26 millionths of a second.

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