Back from the stone age

Apologies, Thunderbozz fans, for the complete lack of updates for the last two-and-a-bit weeks. Unfortunately, my decision to get my laptop's CD drive fixed before the new term started failed to acknowledge the sheer bureaucracy surrounding repairs under warranty. This also explains why I haven't been able to stay in touch with some people: fear not, I haven't forgotten you.

Had I spent the last three weeks not doing very much at all, I'm sure being deprived of my computer wouldn't have been so frustrating: of course, that wasn't the case. it's been a pretty manic few days, but the opportunity to write about everything in the detail it deserves has passed. Enjoy, as a result, the last 18 days at break-neck speed:

My "birthday treat", Hollywood Bowl played host to an enjoyable evening of ten-pin bowling in the last week of January (once everyone's exams were over). The evening started promisingly, with my first two attempts producing the grand score of one. Luckily, I managed to improve as the night wore on, and narrowly missed out on winning the second game by only 3 strikes. Hmm...

Then another birthday, this time Christina's, and my first ever ever visit to the legendary Gatecrasher. It certainly impressed me (although seeing my doppelgänger was a little bit frightening): persuading other people to go again in future (and saving up enough for the bar) might prove to be obstacles.

A mammoth day of football (the Merseyside derby), rugby (Six Nations), more football (PES), fast food (good British Cumberland pie) and general manliness was topped off with the mighty Pop Tarts union night a couple of Saturday's back. Many beers were drunk by all, a fact manifested in everyone managing to drift apart and lose each other so that by the end of the night, no-one knew what happened to anyone else. The sign of a successful day, I'd say.

Snow! Need I say more?

And finally, another birthday: Alice's, and a meal out at Spanish/Italian/Mexican restaurant ¿Qué Tal? on West Street. An excuse to practice some GCSE Spanish ("Pollo Salmon, y una botella de Sol, por favor"), without once using the phrase "Oiga, camerero". Then on to Interval at the union where I matched my best-ever win on an itBox, only to put it all back in again and lose the lot.

The fun doesn't stop there, though, oh no: tonight I'm off to a céilidh (that'd be an evening of traditional Gaelic dancing)... who needs computers, eh?

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