Maths and English, Spanish and Welsh

I have a few basic ground rules about blogging. The executive summary is "don't assume that other people are as keen for their stories to be posted as you are; don't talk about work". With the latter in mind, I can't go into details about what I do or where I work, because frankly it's unprofessional. What I can say is that it's been a very busy month for us, and next week is set to be the most frantic of them all. So it's early nights for me, starting tonight.
Last week was my birthday. I always tend to make a big fuss about other people's birthdays, but aren't actually all that keen when mine comes round. I'm always dead miserable in the days running up to it (and intolerable on the day before), but then cheer up considerably just in time to go out and celebrate.
This year, my housemates and I went out for tapas on Friday night at La Tasca. It was the first time I'd ever eaten at a Spanish/tapas restaurant, so I wasn't really sure what to expect – turns out my fears of endless plate-loads of squid were totally unfounded. I'd recommend going, it's good.
Saturday night's alright for fighting, but it's also good for hitting the town for a few beers. So we did. I've stopped apologising for drinking "poncey" South-American bottled beers – screw you, I like them – because they have a convenient habit of getting me drunk without a nightmarish hangover the next morning. Although that did lead to the unexpected situation I found myself in at 07.30 this morning: wide awake.
Hmm, might have to go back to the pints.
Random of the week
The Welsh word for carrot is moronen (moron).