I'm back.
My last day at work was back on Friday the 7th. I can't say I'll miss the work, but having a routine to keep me going through summer was good for me and I also met some great people. As with most things in life, the people you come across are fantastic – unfortunately at the Co-op the experience was slightly soured by poor facilities, shoddy pay and terrible management. - When do you finish, Steve? - Er, Friday - Oh, you shit‘ead. Had the place been more tolerable, I probably would have stuck it out a bit longer. As it is, I've been able to use these last few weeks of the holidays to get a few more things on my "to do" list accomplished. This includes growing a beard (it's coming along, thanks) and getting round the country to see some other places. No offence, plebs, but... A few weekends ago, this meant a trip over the Pennines to Manchester. I didn't see much of the city, although in fairness we were rushing through the place in order to find a pub show...