
Showing posts from September, 2007

I'm back.

My last day at work was back on Friday the 7th. I can't say I'll miss the work, but having a routine to keep me going through summer was good for me and I also met some great people. As with most things in life, the people you come across are fantastic – unfortunately at the Co-op the experience was slightly soured by poor facilities, shoddy pay and terrible management. - When do you finish, Steve? - Er, Friday - Oh, you shit‘ead. Had the place been more tolerable, I probably would have stuck it out a bit longer. As it is, I've been able to use these last few weeks of the holidays to get a few more things on my "to do" list accomplished. This includes growing a beard (it's coming along, thanks) and getting round the country to see some other places. No offence, plebs, but... A few weekends ago, this meant a trip over the Pennines to Manchester. I didn't see much of the city, although in fairness we were rushing through the place in order to find a pub show

Tiredness fuels empty thoughts

The trouble with me is that I go through phases. When I discover something I like, it inevitably becomes an obsession. It's not always the case: there are many things that I like which I have liked for years and will continue to enjoy. But since I was little, there's a vast list of long-abandoned fads which I've simply got bored of. My life tends to be like that, too. The reason I don't like my job has nothing to do with the people I work with, the poor pay and the rubbish hours: it's just that I've learnt everything there is to learn; there's nothing new any more. I've literally just got bored with it. The same thing happens at the end of every semester, the end of every summer, the end of every week (to a far lesser extent). The same thing happened with my old blog: it wasn't long before I started another one. Ignore the excuses I've given before: the main reason I haven't been writing much recently is because I'm bored of it. I've