I'm back.

My last day at work was back on Friday the 7th. I can't say I'll miss the work, but having a routine to keep me going through summer was good for me and I also met some great people. As with most things in life, the people you come across are fantastic – unfortunately at the Co-op the experience was slightly soured by poor facilities, shoddy pay and terrible management.

- When do you finish, Steve?
- Er, Friday
- Oh, you shit‘ead.

Had the place been more tolerable, I probably would have stuck it out a bit longer. As it is, I've been able to use these last few weeks of the holidays to get a few more things on my "to do" list accomplished. This includes growing a beard (it's coming along, thanks) and getting round the country to see some other places.

No offence, plebs, but...

A few weekends ago, this meant a trip over the Pennines to Manchester. I didn't see much of the city, although in fairness we were rushing through the place in order to find a pub showing the England game. On first impressions alone, it seems massive and a little bit grubby. Plus, the trams look like Soviet military units. But you shouldn't judge a place on first impressions: I was certainly more impressed by the Printworks' Pure (as were my fellow revellers, once they'd got over the apparantly mystifying need to be frisked and scanned on the way in...)

I've been back in Dartford town this past week, and finally re-decorated my room, formerly known as the box room/my brother's room and soon to be re-christened "the office". It's been my first attempt at wallpapering. Despite a few disastrous corners round the window, on the whole it doesn't look too bad. Shame I'm being kicked out, really.

It's like calling a book "Swanley"

So to this next week: it's going to be hectic. This weekend is Wallace's 21st birthday – both a wonderful excuse to see his new flat and get drunk, and a scary reminder that my own is not too far away – and then it's off to Glasgow later in the week to see what university life is like for Mr Ford. It'll be my first trip to Scotland, and a convenient way for me to say I've visited a friend's uni in another country without the expense/hassle/jabs required to get to Argentina.

I'm not looking forward to next weekend though: once I get back to civilisation England, I've got to read the rest of Middlemarch (I've made a start, but how they ever believed that George Elliot was a bloke when "he" wrote tripe like that is beyond me), an anthology of Irish poetry and some books I haven't even bought yet for my film module (my courses start again on October 1)... I'll muddle through it the best I can.

Oops, there goes the "I'll try harder this year" resolution.

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