
As a rule, I don't like Hallowe'en. But that's not a very sociable attitude, and one that's earned me few plaudits when I refused to get involved in previous years. I was, therefore, slightly disappointed that no-one had suggested going out this year... that is, until Tuesday's suggestion that we head for Corporation's
In completely unrelated news, I've fallen in love. With Debbie Harry. But not Debby Harry as she is now, because frankly I'm a bit too young for her, only the young Debbie Harry. The reason for this is finding a copy of Blondie's Greatest Hits in Hoomv for £5, and my golly it's one fine selection of tunes. From the lyrically-sparse Atomic to "Denis, Denis" and right up to their 'new' stuff like the brilliantly catchy Good Boys: top class.
Also, since I saw you last...
Watched extended snippets from some dodgy B-movie sci-fi/horror films (atomic bombs cause mutant ants), playing (and losing miserably) at the new version PES, spending far too long changing the kits on the aforementioned game, and finally paid off my debt of one cup of tea to – just a minute, I didn't owe it, I've been swindled!