Review: De Blob

The story
The planet has been taken over by the evil INKT Corporation, a corporate military dictatorship hell-bent on draining every last drop of colour from Chroma City. It's not long before Comrade Black has turned the entire town grey and enslaved the population. Enter the Colour Underground, the last pocket of resistance, and their secret weapon... de Blob.
The game
The game is split into ten levels, where the object is to restore colour using de Blob as a giant, comic paintbrush. Smashing open Leechbots and draining them of the colour they're carrying enables de Blob to "paint" the buildings by jumping on them. Once enough buildings have been restored (in other words, once you've collected enough points), you can advance to the next sector. Along the way, there are four categories of mini-games and challenges, some of which have to be completed to allow you to progress. These include races, painting challenges and battling the Inkies (foot soldiers). There are also additional challenges within each level, such as ensuring you restore all the trees, or paint over all of INKT's propaganda billboards.
The journey
In other words, how does the plot and game get you from A to B. Each level is the same in terms of structure (you paint, you unlock the gate, you carry on...), but the levels are linked with excellent cut-scenes and the plot is very strong. Levels can be played a variety of different ways, from the "free paint" mode where you just paint for fun to attempting to complete all the challenges within the time limit. A straight forward, linear story, but that makes completing the game all the more satisfying.
The controls
Easy. You roll around using the thumb-stick on the nunchuck, and jump with a flick of the controller. Levels can take up to an hour and a half to complete if you're determined to complete everything, so the ability to play the game sitting down is essential, but without losing the fun that comes with shaking your hands like a loon to fill a building with paint.
The graphics and music
Recognised as one of the best looking and sounding games on the platform by various gaming websites and magazines, de Blob is more than a match for any computer game I've ever seen. Although it's deliberately cartoon-like, the rendering is amazing. The music is a particular triumph, as the soundtrack changes dynamically, depending on where you are, what colour you're painting with and how much energy you have.
The verdict
Fantastic. Completing the game only took a matter of weeks (on and off), but that's because I used every opportunity to play in that time. Since then, I've been back to try and complete the challenges missed the first time round. Hugely enjoyable, funny and charming, de Blob is right up my street. 9/10.
There is also a selection of two-player mini-games, but I've not had a chance to test them as my useless housemate is colourblind...