Total eclipse of the moon

Apparently, there was a lunar eclipse last night. I missed it (actually, I didn't even know about it) because I was watching the Brit Awards. I don't like the Arctic Monkeys, but hats off to them: their acceptance speech stole the show. Special mentions to Kanye West for being honest, and an honorary "stuff you then" to that idiot Foo Fighters front-man.
I'm finally getting round to selling all my old books from last term. To be honest, they've been posted on Facebook's "Marketplace" for ages, but that particular feature obviously isn't as popular as things like "What Colour Is Your Brain's Celebrity Personality?". They were going at a pretty good price, too... almost half when I ended up selling them for on Amazon (albeit with a hefty cut for fees and postage).
I signed up to Twitter last week, because I've heard so many people rave about it. It's actually pretty rubbish, as far as I can make out. Essentially, it's just like Facebook status updates, but without the Facebook. Although there is something to be said for brevity... I won't go on.
Two blog posts in two days? It won't last.