Season's end

Congratulations to Manchester United for winning yet another Premier League title. You can't say that it wasn't deserved - they have a fantastic team, a fantastic squad, a fantastic manager... and a fantastic chance of winning the Champions League this year, too.
It's been a terrific season in the Premier League as a whole – and the first year I've actually been able to watch a decent number of live games thanks to Setanta. Well done to West Ham for holding on to tenth place... we've been there so long we could probably claim squatter's rights. Congratulations should also go to Gareth Southgate, Roy Keane and (our house's new favourite manager) Roy Hodgson. The man has such a distinctive voice: why is it so hard to do an impression of him?
Grudgingly, I also offer a congratulatory nod towards
There's a fair bit of football still to come - the FA Cup next week, plus the UEFA Cup and Champions League finals, not to mention the conclusion of the Championship play-offs and (of course) Euro 2008. Whether the latter will be very exciting this year is a but of a mystery at the moment... how frustrating that it's the only European competition Britain won't be represented in this summer.