
Apologies if you haven't seen it, but the basic plot to Team America: World Police is thus: Kim Jong-Il organises a meeting of all the world's leaders under the banner of peace and unity. While they sit there distracted, he plans to unleash an unstoppable wave of terrorist attacks across the globe and take over the world.
As I type, there are two hugely significant events taking place. Various heads of state are attending the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games (Sri Lanka have just walked in)... and what looks like the opening stages of war are playing out in Georgia. There are reports of "ethnic cleansing", planes being shot out of the sky, and tanks rolling into South Ossetia.
The world has spent the last few weeks and days fretting over China. Today, their attention has been abruptly turned towards the 'other' Eastern superpower, Russia. Team America ends with the heroes saving the day with seconds to spare. Hopefully, there's still plenty of time to avert this crisis.