Hello everyone, happy new year! Better late than never, eh?

Sorry about the lack of blog posts. I haven't written a "regular" blog post since July (and that was a semi-rambling embittered rant about the government). There are two reasons why:

1. I get bored very easily. Which means I blog for a few months, then I get a temporary obsession with photography, then I become an insufferable music buff for several weeks, then I go and buy a load of gadgets... it's just what I do. Anyway, I'm back in a blogging mood at the moment, so enjoy it while it lasts.

2. We don't have 24/7 broadband at the flat. We have one mobile broadband dongle to share between three laptops. Coupled with the fact that I have a nifty internet phone (great for checking e-mails, a bit fiddly to write anything longer than 140 characters on), this means going on the internet to casually surf and submit various missives to a blog is a bit of a rarity these days.

But now I'm back. I'll be aiming to write something weekly, just like in the olden days. Starting from now. Hello again.

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