Achievements unlocked: (none)

I set myself some New Year's Resolutions (plural) this year. Nothing special in that, most people do. I haven't started (let alone completed) any of them; again, I suspect, like most people. The explanation for this is pretty simple: I'm just too lazy to have many enough effort, yet it feels so incredibly frustrating still.

Reason being, I hate hypocrites. I don't like people who break promises. I don't like people who let me down. Hence, I don't like myself when I don't deliver. It's annoying when the landlord doesn't provide us with a meter reading; it's frustrating when client's don't give you all the information you need; but, for me, it's absolutely gutting when it's me who's ballsed-up.

Fortunately, resolutions are pretty arbitrary: it doesn't matter if you start them in January or June; you don't have to wait until December 31 before thinking-up a new one. So maybe I will put some effort in. And maybe I'll start whenever I like. And maybe I won't worry about them so much. Maybe that should be a new resolution?

* * *

There's a lot to be said for the Saturday morning lie-in, you know.

The vast majority of this weekend has been spent watching sport, and good sport at that. FA Cup football, 6 Nations rugby and, naturally, live text updates of the mighty Dartford FC's campaign. It was a fantastic 4-1 win over Tonbridge this week, a result that settled the nerves of fans and players alike, especially important after a run of disrupted schedules and poor performances. Our lead at the top is back to seven points, and with three games still in hand there's no need to panic just yet.

The next thing on my List Of Gadgets To Buy, I've decided (purely off the back of seeing someone else's), is a surround-sound speaker system. They're 99.9% useless, because the number of times you actually use them to watch a film with proper Dolby surround compared to the number of times you're just listening to re-runs of Scrapheap Challenge is so minimal, but – oh – they sure do look cool.

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∞ - 1 = ∞
∞ + ∞ = ∞
∞ - ∞ = x, where -∞ &le x &le ∞

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