Co-op Radio

Technically, I'm only a part-time worker at the Co-op. But last week, I worked 39 hours: that's more than either mum or dad had spent earning. As a result, and thanks to my stationary position at the checkout, I've spent a fair few hours listening to the in-store radio station, Co-op Radio – and practically know it off by heart. There's the usual mix of cheesy adverts for products in store, headlines on the hour and an entertainment news bulletin... all things you'd expect from something so corporate. Suprisingly though, the selection of music being piped in is rather good! There's some old classics (David Bowie, soul music, funky bosa nova), there's some good pop (Sugababes and Kylie), new releases ( Smiley Faces from Gnarls Barkley and tracks from Under The Iron Sea ) and even some trendy indie (Damien Rice and Ray LaMontagne). Unfortunately, with the jingle "great music, great offers", it still needs a little bit of work...