
It's nearly reading week, and it shows. You can see people gradually winding down as the week off lectures to go home study approaches...

Personally, I'm suffering from 3-day syndrome. However good my intentions, it's physically impossible for me to do any meaningful work on my essays because there are more than 72 hours before each has to be handed in. This is on top of a strange phenomenon that means the time between getting back to the house from lectures and tea/the evening somehow disappears. Where do those hours go?*

I'd only moved up to Sheffield for a few days before the first person asked me for directions. On three separate occasions I was stopped in the street or called over to a car to help out. It must be my friendly face. Well today was the first time this academic year I was asked, except it was a little bit more challenging. Not because I didn't know the way - I now know the city better than ever! Because I had to do it in French. It took quite a few "tourner à gauche"s and some highly-patronising pointing, but I think they understood in the end. Tourists, eh...

We're considering having a fireworks doo at the house, and it's quite a scary prospect. Not because I'm scared of them or anything like that, but because I've recognised that suddenly the "responsible adult" is me!

I don't remember much about it (other than the brilliant opening titles), but nostalgia fans will be pleased to know that "Challenge Anneka" is coming back on TV. ITV1 has commissioned some heart-warming Christmas specials from some tsunami-struck third-world country.

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