Bad Dream

It feels a bit like a new year this week, an opportunity for a fresh start. After the horrorshow of a workload I've had to plough through over the last month, yesterday marked the beginning of a few days' worth of time off.

Yesterday was allegedly the worst day of the year (a scientific claim, based on weather, time since Christmas, debt, time until pay day, low motivation and the complete failure to stick to a New Year's resolution) when The Samaritans have their busiest day. It was also the day Keane released their new single.

Not for me though! No, I'm starting 2007 again (not that there was much wrong with the first attempt) without the shadow of last term's work and last year's unfinished business looming over me. It's also provided me with the opportunity to get things done, contact people I haven't spoken to for ages, and to sleep.

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