Giving up (for lent)

Sod's law states that all the time you don't have access to the internet, you have the greatest need/desire to communicate with people. When you get that access back, you've run out of things to talk about. I don't really feel I have much to say to the world at the moment, probably because I've had quite a fulfilling week. Just as on the day (many moons ago) when I attempted a 24-hour silence I encountered so many situations crying out for a witty or sarcastic remark, the next day seemed quite lame in comparison. Probably because I was no longer the centre of attention (read: object of derision).

This lent I've decided to give up chocolate. Not that I eat too much of it anyway, but it's one of the few bad habits that I can give up that has a) the remotest chance of me keeping, and b) quite a high credibility rating. It sounds quite impressive, but isn't too demanding. I even turned down the prospect of a massive bag of Smarties at the cinéma last night (although this could also be attributed to the extortionate price charged by Odeon and the fact that they don't make you hyper any more). Tonight I face a similar conundrum: us English Lit students are off to see As You Like It performed at The Crucible.

Now my last rent payment has been taken out of my bank account, I'll also have to give up a few more luxuries. Gone are the days of looking at an artificially-inflated balance and thinking "yeah, loads left". At least until the next student loan payment comes in... roll on April!

I still can't get Take That - Patience out of my head...

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