Stop! Britishsummertime.

There was a very real risk (thanks to an almighty cock-up between John Lewis and Sony) that I wouldn't have seen my laptop this side of Easter. Luckily (and I'm sure it was nothing but luck which finally resolved the situation), it was repaired and returned to me in the nick of time. As a result, nigh-on one month after it died on me, I am once again able to spout my worthless musings on to the interweb again. ◊ Isn't it strange how really useful things have the tendency to appear when you need them most. Like "the Restoration period" being featured on the front page of Wikipedia the day before my exam on it. Or two characters on Third Rock From The Sun talking about Hamlet the same week I had to read it. Or – and this one was especially useful – ITV1 screening Mansfield Park last Sunday, just in time for my seminars on the book. On all three occasions, these happily random co-incidences have saved me a lot of bother. Well, all except the Hamlet one... it...