¡Hasta luego!

I've been enjoying a few days off work this week, and the prospect of returning to the new-look Co-op tomorrow for a gruelling eight-hour shift is not one that appeals.

I travelled home early on Friday morning by the train, for a change. It's a vastly more comfortable, relaxing and romantic way to travel (although proportionally more expensive, too) – essential as I needed to be as awake as possible for the long night ahead.

My friend Tom is off to sunny South America next year as part of his university course. As he does Spanish, he'll be working at the Argentimes newspaper as well as travelling and generally not being in Blighty for a good few months. To send him off well, we managed to organise a surprise party for him, and I'm pleased to report that it worked perfectly.

My mum and dad drove me back up to Sheffield on Sunday, and they've been staying up here for the last few days to see the city. This has meant I've been enjoying eating out in style for the last few days, and taking full advantage of the situation too. If you're prepared to listen to the opinion of someone whose staple diet is Somerfield Value minced beef (a trend very much frowned upon by some housemates*), then a visit to Crookes' Casanova restaurant is one that you will not regret, and Broomhill's Thyme Café also carries a Boswell commendation. Sadly, the units are leaving tomorrow, so it's back to beans on toast for me.

*Not on moral grounds, merely through despair at my lack of imagination

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