“I know who you are”

I felt rather worse for wear two Sundays ago. I thought I had learnt my lesson, but this was obviously not the case. Kids, if you only learn one thing from me, let it be this: Never embark on a marathon drinking session on an empty stomach.
Being in a near-paralysed state did home some advantages, the best being the opportunity to see Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, a film that I've been meaning to watch for ages but never had the chance. This year, one of my modules is Film Theory, which is essentially over-analysing movies. This should make a nice change from over-analysing books, although embarrassingly it's highlighted just how few influential films I've seen (as opposed to how many influential books I haven't read). To make amends, I'm taping A Clockwork Orange off the telly tonight... I've read it, for the record.
Speaking of the Record, I've been lumbered with a Scottish £5 note. This is karma, because I paid for a 99p refill pad with a £10 note, but not an unfamiliar feeling following our trip to Glasgow last week (I've been trying to get rid of my spare banknotes for days, and then get given one in change). It's amazing to see how even the smallest things make Scotland feel so alien in comparison to England: the banknotes, the shops, the trains... Sometimes it was as obvious as a proud saltire, sometimes as subtle as an accent, but there seemed to be a tangible sense of being in a very separate nation for the duration of my trip. Which wasn't what I was expecting, to be honest.
Nor was I expecting to meet someone who has apparently been stalking me on Facebook for some time. Being approached at a house party (where you know no-one but the host) by a total stranger and being told your own name and that you've only grown a beard fairly recently was a little bit scary at first. Fortunately, rather than then trying to kidnap/murder me, they turned out to be rather friendly and – upon the discovery that we have mutual enemies – pleasantly chatty. Ah, the wonders of modern technology, eh?