
Well, here's something I didn't think I'd be saying this week: Three weeks into the term, and everything's going swimmingly. The courses are interesting, my seminar groups are full of pretty decent people (although there's at least one exception on each module, on the whole I can't grumble), and the workload/timetable is working out just fine. I even managed to get through Middlemarch: despite it being an ultimately pointless use of 900 pages, it's fairly readable towards the end.

This weekend's been pretty relaxing, too. Friday night down at Bar One, watching England win twice on Saturday, then catching a couple of films on Sunday. It has to be said, sitting through A Clockwork Orange wasn't as pleasant as Ice Age on Sunday evening with a massive bag of Dolly Mixtures, but at least now I can say I've seen the film and read the book.

Well that's a barrel-load of Cockney monkeys, and no mistake!

Here's a question for you: does the word jank exist? I was using to describe some of the old children's TV programmes we used to watch, only to be on the receiving end of the above response. My backward Northern housemates assumed that I was saying "junk", but in Estuary English. This is not the case, although in context, both words would have carried a fairly similar meaning...

This isn't jank. It's Jenny Owen Youngs:

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