
Well here's something I wasn't expecting to write about. England was hit by an earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale at around 1am this morning. It's fair to say that the impact wasn't at its greatest in Sheffield, but it's the first earthquake I've ever experienced, so don't knock it.
It's quite a strange sensation, really. One second I was lying in bed, leaning against my wall... the next second, the wall starts wobbling and there's a strange rumbling sound from outside. At first, I thought our demented washing machine had finally broken free from the kitchen and made a bid for freedom mid-way through it's spin cycle. It was quickly apparent – the shaking of the entire street outside was a give-away – that this was not the case.
To be honest, it was quite exciting. In fact, I'm a little bit disappointed that practically everyone in Blighty had the same experience... It would have been more impressive if it was localised to Sheffield. That said, I'd rather not have to go through them very often... even in our solid Victorian house, I'd rather just have a good night's sleep.