Acceptable in the 80s

I probably over-use the phrase "that was the worst decision I ever made", even though the actual number of really bad choices I've made is quite low. One of these, however, was getting rid of my Sega Master System for a ridiculously low price a few years ago.

Me and my housemates were talking yesterday about things we would buy once we started earning money. I retold the story of how someone I know spent their entire first month's wages on buying a PlayStation and a load of games – the general consensus was that a games console would probably be one of the first things on the list.

The PS2 remains the console to beat, in my opinion: it's quite a few years old now, but it's still a great console. Not only that, but there's a vast array of games available still (and they're still making new ones for it) and it's got a DVD player, too. That said, there's times when I'd love to be playing Crash Dummies or Sonic 2 on the faithful old Master System. A quick look on eBay reveals that there are quite a few out there, but those in good nick command quite a high price. Still, what's a month's wages, eh?

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