Cooped up

Travelling by train is far more enjoyable than travelling by coach, simply because is much more comfortable. Events conspired against me when I was travelling home last week (they ran out of sandwiches at the buffet counter, and I had to sit next to a fat woman), but whilst these would have been intolerable on the bus, they were just slight inconveniences on the train.

I laughed when she boarded the carriage, because I knew some unlucky bugger would end up next to her. It turned out to be me, although I have no way of knowing if it should have been, for despite the fact her seat was only reserved for half the journey, she stayed on until the end. Probably so she could finish her bag full of Yorkie bars and crisps.

Some more gems overheard on the train:

Foreigner: Excuse me, does this train go to London?
Woman: No, it goes to St Pancras.
[Foreigner gets off the train]

Single mum: Emily, it's a train. It's not a toy.

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