By George

I've got a very important essay to write by Monday, as it carries a 50% weighting for one of my modules. This wouldn't be so bad if the other 50% wasn't an exam (which I don't like, and am not particularly good at). I'm not feeling particularly worried about it (yet), but I am aware that if I do badly, it's going to put a load of pressure on revising for the test. Meh, it's weeks away, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

To pass the time, I've been doing everything else I need to have done for next week – reading lots of books, posting responses on our seminar group's webpage, tidying various parts of the house – thus leaving me with no excuse for not doing the essay, and plenty of time to get it done, too.

● Some fantastic Indio-English on display at the Indian Premier League's website: I wonder how much Pepsi paid to be "Official Pouring Supplier" to the event?

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