Quick Facebook rant

I try to keep my Facebook "friends" list as accurate as possible/as is socially acceptable by only adding people I genuinely know and/or like. Politics plays quite a large role in shaping it, but by-and-large, I quite happily get on with most people who I'm "friends" with online.

Which is why Facebook's latest gadget – the recommended friends section – is getting on my nerves at the moment. People who I've never even met are adding me as a friend, because we share a common pal (even if it's only just one). In some cases, this has been a good thing, but in at least three that I've had in the last two days, I wouldn't be able to pick these "friends" out of a room.

Even if they were the only people in the room.

And had name-badges on.

Why do people feel the need to add people they've never met, let alone spoken to? Are they really that desperate to look popular? Surely they must know that all those "cool" people with 759 friends are just liars?

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