
For some reason, BT thought that we'd be moving out of our current house on Friday and, as such, would no longer require the services of their broadband. This, despite the fact they are still supplying (and charging us for the use of) a phone line. And despite the fact that we've never told or even mentioned "June 6th" to them, ever. Which can only lead to one conclusion: that they're a bunch of incompetent idiots.

It's really annoying not having access to the internet. They have provided us with some free dial-up in the meantime – we're being re-connected next Friday, before being (correctly) cut-off at the end of the month – but having to live like citizens of the 1990s is not fun. For one thing, it's slow; for another, it ties-up the phone line; for another, we can only use it in the living room or one bedroom, because they are the only places in the house within cable's-length of a phone socket. As such, we're all having to go without... or go to the University computer rooms (where I'm writing this from).

So, for a whole week, we're going without broadband. No Facebook, no iPlayer, no 4oD, no looking up things for my up-coming exam, no MSN chats, no Skype calling, no e-mail, no newsreading, no more Thunderbozz, no nothing. See you in a week.

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