Hardcore pawn

When we moved from our old house to the new flat, we bought quite a lot of rubbish with us. Literally: we loaded about four bags full of trash into the removals van, because we'd overloaded the bins at the old place and there was nowhere else to put it.

Obviously we put it in the bins here straight away... we didn't keep it in the house or anything weird like that.

I also bought quite a lot of stuff that I knew I didn't really need any more, but that I'd left too late to offload on Amazon/eBay/friends/charity shops. For the last few weeks, it's just been taking up space in my room, but I'm finally beginning to shift it all now.

This morning I traded in some of my old and unwanted CDs and DVDs at Cex, and got rid of my remaining textbooks at Division Street's famous Rare & Racy bookshop. (I didn't get very much cash for them, but to be honest, I'm just glad to see the back of the damn things).

Tomorrow, the rest of the stuff is going to be Freecycled or given to the charity shop. Now all I have to do is wait for the landlord to send round someone to fix my curtains (currently in a heap below the window) and I'll be able to see the floor!

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