Bad results, errors and insults

It's not the Soccer Saturday début we would have liked, but no-one ever said that life in the Premier Division would be easy. Dartford lost 3-0 yesterday and had a man sent-off, so it wasn't a good day all round. That said, our season-winning campaign didn't get off to a terrific start last year... and we're only three points off the top!

▫ I was slightly taken aback on Friday when I was randomly insulted by a postman. He rang the intercom, and, totally out of the blue, told me that I had a small package. Fortunately, I remembered in the nick of time that he was just delivering a parcel.

▫ That parcel was a brand-new hard drive for my laptop, which I'm planning on converting to running Ubuntu rather than Windows. Not because I don't like XP (because I think it's great) but because I'm interested to see just how practical running Linux can be. I'm hopeful that the answer will be "quite", especially as an increasing number of things can be done online. Unfortunately, I'd ordered the wrong type (Serial- instead of Ultra- ATA) so that particular experiment has been delayed for a while.

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