Why I didn't watch the Olympics

I have a confession to make. I don't give a monkey's about the Olympic games.
To be honest, I find it incredibly boring. Despite having half-a-dozen events to watch at any time of the day, none of them caught my attention. With only a couple of exceptions, namely the sprinting finals and the swimming (ie: proper races), somehow the Olympics made even exciting-sounding sports pretty turgid.
Take shooting for example. now you might think that shooting would have an element of excitement to it. Top athletes, armed with guns... the mix of sporting excellence and danger must be a winning combination, right? Wrong. It's one of the dullest things I've ever seen. Six men, politely taking it in turns to fire a single pellet at a static target. Y-a-w-n.
Which is why I'm proposing a few new events. These probably won't make it in time for London 2012. Or probably ever.
Olympic Shooting... Extreme!
This essentially replaces the rather placid shooting range with a more exciting challenge. Just like in the police films, competitors will be expected to shoot at a number of moving targets. Points will be lost for any shots fired at the pictures of old ladies or mums-with-pushchairs. Dramatic gun-totting forward rolls optional, but score highly. Three medal categories: handgun, double-barrelled shotgun and uzi class.
Olympic Dressage... Extreme!
Three of the athletes banned for doping offences from this year's games were horses. It comes to something when even the gee-gees start scoring drugs because their events are so dreary. So, to liven things up, why not make a few changes. Replace the show ground with a shallow pool full of custard and you've got Dressage meets Speed. Better quicken up that canter, Champion...
Olympic Whac-A-Mole
What more needs to be said?