
Showing posts from October, 2008


They say you should spend your first pay-packet on whatever you want, rather than using for anything boring and practical (like food or rent), so that's exactly what I've done. I'm not sure if they mean every first pay-packet, but that's how I've interpreted it – and to be honest, it was only for two weeks' work, so I've not spend as much as I could/probably would have done. I'd only played on one a few times before buying one of my own, but the Nintendo Wii has always had a massive appeal for me. I don't like games where you have to think too hard ( Timesplitters is the most strategic game I enjoy playing); where you have to concentrate for too long (Ten-minute games of PES are just about right); or where the story gets in the way of the action (I watch with astonishment at anyone who enjoys playing Final Fantasy ). The Wii's philosophy – that games should be fun first and foremost – is fantastic. The control system is a stroke of gen

The weekend is there for you to use

As I've mentioned previously, writing updates to this blog is becoming increasingly more difficult because I simply don't have enough time during the week to dedicate to it. I'm considering a return to a Story of Bozz -style weekly update. Starting... erm, next week. ▫ Many of my favourite radio stations over the years have all suffered from an annoying tendency to not last very long. I could name at least half-a-dozen which now no longer exist, and several more which have been reduced to shadows of their former selves. It's very pleasing, therefore, to see one of them make a phoenix-like return to the airwaves. Jazz FM relaunched this week, after being replaced by Smooth Radio and after 'rival' replacement theJazz was closed earlier this year. I wish it the best of luck. ▫ England eventually ground-out a result against Kazakhstan yesterday, but unfortunately Dartford couldn't turn over Margate earlier in the afternoon. We lost 1-0, but remain in thi

It's like I'm ******* five

* Note to taxman: I don't really get paid like this.

Quick! There's time to be wasted!

I've been working in my new job for three weeks now, and if the Monday-to-Friday, nine-to-five routine has taught me anything, it's to appreciate the weekends. Apologies for the lack of updates, but it's taken a lot for me to adjust to such a (comparatively) heavy work-load, and as much as I would have liked to, posting on here was just too much effort. ▫ The flat is still covered in scaffolding, so even when we have had some sunshine up here in Sheffield (which has not happened often in the last few weeks), it's still pretty dingy inside. The recent cold-snap means that our place probably isn't suitable for anyone who suffers from the fictional " SAD " syndrome. To date, after four weeks of it being erected, the builders have: 1. painted the window frames; 2. er... that's it. ▫ Dartford FC have managed to pull a couple of victories out of the bag since the last update, although our FA Cup run came to a disappointingly-early end last week. We di