
They say you should spend your first pay-packet on whatever you want, rather than using for anything boring and practical (like food or rent), so that's exactly what I've done. I'm not sure if they mean every first pay-packet, but that's how I've interpreted it – and to be honest, it was only for two weeks' work, so I've not spend as much as I could/probably would have done.

I'd only played on one a few times before buying one of my own, but the Nintendo Wii has always had a massive appeal for me. I don't like games where you have to think too hard (Timesplitters is the most strategic game I enjoy playing); where you have to concentrate for too long (Ten-minute games of PES are just about right); or where the story gets in the way of the action (I watch with astonishment at anyone who enjoys playing Final Fantasy).

The Wii's philosophy – that games should be fun first and foremost – is fantastic. The control system is a stroke of genius: I've never met anyone who could play a console game without violently shaking and twisting their controllers in a desperate attempt to jump or turn or score. The first thing you notice I noticed about it when it came out of the box is that it's beautifully engineered as well. The build-quality and detailing is stunning. The whole set-up is so easy to set-up and get into that it puts a lot of electronics equipment to shame.

I'll be writing more about the Wii in future. Because it's ace.

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