The atomic number of zinc is thirty

I'm not one to be paranoid, nor alarmist – and it's even possible I could be mistaken – but today I survived an assassination attempt.

Yes, it is thanks only to the bullet-proof glass windows fitted as standard to all Stagecoach buses that run route 43 between Sheffield and Chesterfield, and the lightning-fast reactions of the aforementioned-vehicle's driver, that I owe my life. Without them, the stone that some little punk through at me (or possibly just the bus) could have delivered a fatal blow.

Or, failing that, quite a nasty cut and/or bruise on my left ear.

▪ I totally missed The Apprentice last night, and forgot about the repeat this evening too, hence no post about it. The measures I put in place to avoid hearing the "result" worked fairly well until about lunchtime today until one of my colleagues told me who got fired (and why) before my fingers could reach my ears. This will no doubt spoil my viewing of the programme quite significantly, but at least it's only week two (and therefore still Not Really All That Important In The Grand Scheme Of Things. "Things" Being This Series Of The Apprentice.

▪ According to the experts, I have quite a nice chin. From a purely Maxillo-facial/Orthodontic point of view, obviously.

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