
Showing posts from June, 2008

Where I am at

Usually when I haven't posted anything in a long time, it's because I've got fed up of writing. This time round, it's because I've been ridiculously busy. In the past ten days, I've got a fair bit done – too much to do justice to here, which is frustrating – and there's still quite a lot to do. ▫ I was back in Dartford for a few days from Tuesday, despite the fact we still haven't sorted out a house for "next year". (I still refer to it as "next year", despite the fact that academic years are no longer relevant to me... and to mask the fact that the "new year" actually starts next week). This was to meet Blighty-dodging Croasdell, who's been exploring South America for the best part of a year. It was really good to be back in the Paper Moon to share a few drinks with everyone again... and quite strange to think that half of them will still at uni. ▫ It never ceases to amaze me how many people find it impossible to


So, that's it then. After three years, six semesters, eighteen modules, four exams, thirty-six essays, three presentations, hundreds of lectures, dozens of seminars, one theatre trip and one, solitary visit to the library, my time at university has come to an end. Our final exam was on Tuesday, and while it didn't go fantastically well, in truth that's not really important. What matters is that I've completed my course, and I can look back at the work I've done with pride. Regrets? I've had a few, but I've learnt something from every single one of them, and in many ways that's quite satisfying. If I had my time again, would I choose to do English Literature? Probably not, but that certainly doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed my time here. I've met some wonderful people, had some really great times, and I've learnt to stand on my own two feet. There's more challenges ahead, and things are moving fast now. One of my housemates move

The Apprentice: That's what I'm talking about

There was one advantage to being internet-less this week. It meant that I couldn't accidentally find out who had won this year's cracking series of The Apprentice before watching it. Not on iPlayer, but on an old-school VHS cassette, I should add (life's such fun in the 1990s house). The grand finalé was a fantastic end to the series. The candidates had so much to do in the three days they were given, and the focus (for us and Sir Alan) was on how the candidates would perform at actually doing business . The task ahead of them looked terrifying: invent a product, create it, design it, market it, test it, launch it... and all without any previous experience of working in the industry. If there was ever a task that would separate the men from the boys, this was it. The return of some of the losing candidates also meant there was plenty of opportunities for squabbling, arguing, time-wasting, eye-rolling and head-shaking. Bringing them all back together for The Apprent


For some reason, BT thought that we'd be moving out of our current house on Friday and, as such, would no longer require the services of their broadband. This, despite the fact they are still supplying (and charging us for the use of) a phone line. And despite the fact that we've never told or even mentioned "June 6th" to them, ever. Which can only lead to one conclusion: that they're a bunch of incompetent idiots. It's really annoying not having access to the internet. They have provided us with some free dial-up in the meantime – we're being re-connected next Friday, before being (correctly) cut-off at the end of the month – but having to live like citizens of the 1990s is not fun. For one thing, it's slow; for another, it ties-up the phone line; for another, we can only use it in the living room or one bedroom, because they are the only places in the house within cable's-length of a phone socket. As such, we're all having to go without

The Apprentice: "Too zany for me"

Well, I suppose it was inevitable, but it's still disappointing: this week's Apprentice was the last for the wonderful Lucinda. Having battled valiantly throughout the series against difficult tasks, new challenges and spiteful words, Cindy proved herself to be an extremely strong candidate. Unfortunately, she's applied for the wrong job. Ordinarily, I would despise someone like her: she earns £100,000 a year yet claims not be driven by money; despite this wealth, she hadn't had a television set for the last five years; some of her qualifications are in herbal medicine. Ordinarily, I'd call her a rich, eccentric loon. But it proved impossible not to take a shine to her over the last eleven weeks. Daring to stand out and be different – whether in attitude or expressed through an extraordinary array of Technicolour dresses – is a brave and admirable decision, but Sir Alan doesn't tolerate style over substance. Her performances in the challenges were also e


Arrgh, this last week has been so frustrating. There's been so many things which I've been unable to do because I'm waiting on someone else, or because I've forgotten to do something myself, or because things have conspired against me... Fingers crossed that the next few days won't be as infuriating.