Gravy train

Well I'm back in Sheffield after a few days back home for Easter and Ben's 21st birthday party. Normally after a big night out like that, I'd be spending today editing and uploading all the photos I took. This time, however, I left my digital camera behind and decided to use up the " film " – I think that's what they used to call it – in a " disposable camera " with an " advance wheel ". Apparently, the only way to get the pictures out of the machine is to take it to a shop to be " developed ". It seems so strange to think everyone used to have to do this, as digital cameras are everywhere these days. ● It's ridiculous how much train fares have risen back in the south-east: my journeys into London and home (to Dartford) again set me back £18.60, compared to the £24.50 it costs to travel between Dartford and Sheffield (£1.50 of which was booking fees!). Bus connections add on about £3 to each journey, too. In total, that...